01 August 2005

Lorig Class Concludes -- no photos here

  • This Blog Post with PHOTOS - here.

  • Ven. Wangmo is a really great teacher.
    Thoroughly versed with the material and its fine debate points, her mode of presentation is extremely patient and kind. She always appears to be most concerned with making the material comprehensible rather than 'scoring points' (a temptation in a scholastic tradition that emphasizes debate).

    Fortunately, Ven. Wangmo will be teaching again in 2006 after His Holiness' Losar teachings! [Will post details about next course and Ven. Wangmo bio on this Blog later].

    Ven. Wangmo concluded teaching the Tibetan Buddhist presentation of Mind & Awareness [bLo-rig] on July 29, 2005.
    The course began April 9, after His Holiness the Dalai Lama completed post-Losar 2005 teachings. The text we used is Mind in Tibetan Buddhism [Snow Lion Pub.]. This book includes Elizabeth Napper's translation of a concise root text -- Presentation of Awareness and Knowledge Composite of All the Important Points, Opener of the Eye of New Intelligence by Ge-shay Jam-bel Sam-pel -- and Lati Rinpoche's oral commentary on that text, along with her excellent Introduction.

    Near the end of the course, classes were interrupted by two sets of two-week teachings on Lam Rim [Jun 24-July 7 and July 12-21] by His Holiness the Dalai Lama. So by the time Ven. Nordron finally took some photos, most of the class members had departed (either the classroom or Dharamsala, for annual mass evacuation during heavy monsoon season).

    The class usually comprised around 30 students -- more or less -- from around the World! Nations represented included France/Costa-Rica, Germany, India, Israel [lots], Italy, Nepal, New Zealand, Taiwan, Tibet, U.K., U.S.